Reflections from Kasese

The following was written by board member Christy Price, who accompanied Nancy to a training in Kasese, Uganda in October. 

From the moment we arrived we were greeted with hospitality and arms wide open. So many people were excited for our arrival and for the educational leadership trainings we were going to host. I was immediately blown away by the dedication and excitement these teachers had for wanting to learn how to be better Christian school administrators. Some traveled far, through the rain, on the back of a little motorcycle to attend. Some slept on mattresses on the ground throughout the week; a few didn’t even have bedding. They stayed up late at night completing the reading and assignments though they had very poor reading conditions. Yet, they still would come, every day. To see the commitment these individuals had for wanting to learn was unbelievable. I know so often we don’t get to see what the Foundation has done (and is doing) for so many. This is why I am very thankful I had the chance to travel with Dr. Price and see the impact first hand. I came back having learned just how much these Ugandan administrators love Jesus, which only helped me (a weak sinner that I am) remember that I need Jesus too.